Power Hobby 4S 14.8V 3000MAH 50C W/ Deans
Wolfpack LiPo 2S 7.4V 3300mAh 30C
GT24B 2S LiPo Battery 7.4V 350mAh
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $39.95 Our Price (US Dollars): $37.99
3 in stock!
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $54.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $35.99
4 in stock!
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $13.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $10.99
28 in stock!
PHB4S300030CDNS 4S 14.8V 3000MAH 50C W/ Deans
ASC751 Wolfpack LiPo 2S 7.4V 3300mAh 30C
CIS15432 GT24B 2S LiPo Battery 7.4V 350mAh
4800mAh 7.4v 2S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing Shorty Lipo
6000mAh 7.4v 2S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo Battery
4500mAh 7.4v 2S 30C Rounded Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $39.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $39.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $49.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $49.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $37.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $37.99
(Out of Stock)
COR49405 4800mAh 7.4v 2S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing Shorty Lipo
COR49420 6000mAh 7.4v 2S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo Battery
COR49440 4500mAh 7.4v 2S 30C Rounded Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo
5400mAh 7.4v 2S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo Battery
5400mAh 11.1v 3S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo Battery with
4200mAh 7.6v 2S 120C Voltax LCG Shorty Hardcase Lipo
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $42.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $42.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $66.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $74.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $44.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $44.99
(Out of Stock)
COR49442 5400mAh 7.4v 2S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo Battery
COR49445 5400mAh 11.1v 3S 50C Hardcase Sport Racing LiPo Battery with
COR49600 4200mAh 7.6v 2S 120C Voltax LCG Shorty Hardcase Lipo
8000mAh 7.6v 2S 120C Voltax Hardcase Lipo Battery - 4mm
5000mAh 7.4v 2S 100C X-Celerated Hardcase Lipo
7200mAh 7.4v 2S 100C X-Celerated Hardcase Lipo
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $73.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $73.99
1 in stock!
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $47.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $47.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $64.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $64.99
2 in stock!
COR49623 8000mAh 7.6v 2S 120C Voltax Hardcase Lipo Battery - 4mm
COR49705 5000mAh 7.4v 2S 100C X-Celerated Hardcase Lipo
COR49720 7200mAh 7.4v 2S 100C X-Celerated Hardcase Lipo
Graphene V3 High Voltage 8500 mAh 2S (7.6V) Stick
Graphene V3 High Voltage ULG 5500 mAh 2S (7.6V)
2000mAh 7.4V 50C 2S LiPo Battery w/ Hardwired T-Plug
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $119.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $119.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $94.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $94.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $24.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $21.99
9 in stock!
HADMCL6015 Graphene V3 High Voltage 8500 mAh 2S (7.6V) Stick
HADMCL6016 Graphene V3 High Voltage ULG 5500 mAh 2S (7.6V)
PHB2S200050CDNS 2000mAh 7.4V 50C 2S LiPo Battery w/ Hardwired T-Plug
2S 7.4C 5000MAH 100C Shorty Lipo w/ 4mm Bullet Connectors
5200mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
5200mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT60
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $59.00 Our Price (US Dollars): $57.99
11 in stock!
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $35.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $34.99
17 in stock!
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $35.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $34.99
12 in stock!
PHB2S5000100CSH 2S 7.4C 5000MAH 100C Shorty Lipo w/ 4mm Bullet Connectors
PHB2S520035CEC5HCS 5200mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
PHB2S520035CXT60APT 5200mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT60
5200 mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery w/ Hardwired XT90
5200mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired T-Plug
5200mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $44.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $42.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $44.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $42.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $44.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $42.99
(Out of Stock)
PHB2S520050C 5200 mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery w/ Hardwired XT90
PHB2S520050CDNS 5200mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired T-Plug
PHB2S520050CEC5HCS 5200mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
5200MAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired Genuine
5200mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT60
2S 7.4C 5600MAH 100C HV Shorty Lipo w/ 4mm Bullet Connectors
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $49.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $47.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $44.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $42.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $59.95 Our Price (US Dollars): $57.99
(Out of Stock)
PHB2S520050CTRX 5200MAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired Genuine
PHB2S520050CXT60APT 5200mAh 7.4V 2S 50C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT60
PHB2S5600100CSHHV 2S 7.4C 5600MAH 100C HV Shorty Lipo w/ 4mm Bullet Connectors
7600mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
7600mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT60
7600mAh 7.4V 2S 75C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $56.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $55.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $56.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $54.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $64.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $62.99
(Out of Stock)
PHB2S760035CEC5HCS 7600mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
PHB2S760035CXT60APT 7600mAh 7.4V 2S 35C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT60
PHB2S760075CEC5HCS 7600mAh 7.4V 2S 75C LiPo Battery with Hardwired EC5
7600mAh 7.4V 2S 75C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT90
900mAh 7.4v 2S 30C Lipo Battery with Hardwired JST
3S 11.1V 2200MAH 25C W/ Deans
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $64.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $62.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $12.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $11.99
(Out of Stock)
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days
List Price (US Dollars): $19.99 Our Price (US Dollars): $19.67
12 in stock!
PHB2S760075CXT60APT 7600mAh 7.4V 2S 75C LiPo Battery with Hardwired XT90
PHB2S90030JST 900mAh 7.4v 2S 30C Lipo Battery with Hardwired JST
PHB3S220025CDNS 3S 11.1V 2200MAH 25C W/ Deans