2.5mm E-clips are used on the suspension pins on the rear hub carriers, front hub carriers and front upper control rods on the inside on the Kyosho Inferno MP777 and 7.5 series of cars including the Inferno GT and GT2. They should be replaced often since when they get loose they fall off easily and ruin your day! You can replace the stock hinge pins on infernos using RCEK8034 K Factory MP7.5/MP777 ST Steel Hardened Hinge Pin Set This will eliminate the need for these e-clips once and for all! These are used on these cars: Kyosho Inferno Neo Kyosho Inferno VE Kyosho Inferno MP777 STRR Kyosho Inferno MP777 WC Kyosho Inferno MP777 SP2 Kyosho Inferno MP777 SP1 Kyosho Inferno MP777 STR Kyosho Inferno GT Kyosho Inferno GT2 Kyosho Inferno US Sports Kyosho Inferno US Sports 2 Kyosho Inferno US Sports 4 Kyosho Inferno US Sports ST Kyosho Inferno US Sports ST2 Kyosho Inferno 7.5 - all Replaces KYO1382.