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You are here: Home > Setups > Infernos Only Sugestions for starting out with the Kyosho Big Bore shocks

Infernos Only Sugestions for starting out with the Big Bores

A few things we have found out from our testing and racing with them over the last month and a bit:

1. The light green springs are very similar to the dark blue springs from the old shocks, so under most conditions they are the ones to use.

2. As conditions get rougher a few of the guys will start using the purple springs in the rear. If conditions are real rough and dry purples may find there way onto the front as well. The purple springs have the nickname "purple pothole eaters."

3. The oils translate almost directly from the old shocks with the stock pistons (1.4) using the pistons that come with the Big bore sets. So we find ourselves running Kyosho 700cps(about 60Wt Associated) in the front, and Kyosho 400(about 35Wt Associated) in the rear to start out and adjust as the conditions warrant. Much the same as the old shocks again. Don't forget to factor the temperature of the air in when deciding what oils to run as they thicken as temp drops.

4. We like using the Cody King base setup to start our test and tune sessions with; as posted in the downloads section of the site (Cody King Base)  Just put the Big Bores on with the green springs with this setup. If you haven't tried this yet it is a must!

5. There are more spring choices coming out soon but so far we don't see much of a need for them on the tracks we have been racing at.

6. The new shocks seem to react a bit slower to everything compared to the old ones, but playing around with pistons seems to have some affect on it. The handling of the car seems less affected by this than you at first would think.


I have to say, I have now personally raced on 5 different tracks with the Big Bores and they are working great! I have had no problems getting the Big Bores dialed. The car is more stable than before, but has not lost any steering in any way. It actually seems to have a bit more steering than before. Rough sections that unsettle every other car are no problem. You must change your driving style a bit to find some of this out however, you can't be timid through rough sections as before, you just have to let the car pound through them, actually it is impressive!

Anyway, I could go on about this, but there is other work to do! I hope this helps!