Used on the front upper control arm on the outer position. Common across the Kyosho Inferno MP7.5 to MP777 series of Truggies, Buggies as well as the inferno GT. Used on the following Kyosho Inferno Models: Kyosho Inferno MP9 SE, TKI1, TKI2 and WC Kyosho Inferno MP9e Kyosho Inferno VE Kyosho Inferno VE Race Spec Kyosho Inferno Neo Kyosho Inferno Neo Race Spec Kyosho Inferno Neo ST Race Spec Kyosho Inferno GT Kyosho Inferno GT2 Kyosho Inferno MP777 ST-RR Kyosho Inferno MP777 ST-R Kyosho Inferno ST Kyosho Inferno US Sports 1, 2, 3 and 4 Kyosho Inferno MP777, SP1, SP2, WC